

Integrated Satisfaction Measurement for PACE (I-SAT™)

The Integrated Satisfaction Measurement for PACE (I-SAT™) is a trusted third-party solution designed specifically for the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) that allows providers to gain actionable insights to improve participant satisfaction.

As a reliable and valid means for collecting quality of care information from PACE participants, the I-SAT addresses the full range of services provided by PACE and uses a gold standard in-person interview methodology to collect participant information in the PACE Center in the participant’s preferred language.

In addition to providing participant and caregiver satisfaction data, the I-SATTM assists PACE organizations in meeting regulatory reporting requirements and identifies the priority areas for quality improvement initiatives, cross-site comparisons, national benchmarking, and longitudinal analysis.

I-SAT is available to PACE programs nationwide. A PACE caregiver survey is available, as well. This survey addresses caregiver satisfaction with PACE, and burden as measured by the well-known and extensively-used Zarit Burden Survey.

For more information about the I-SAT or the caregiver survey, please contact Norma Carillo at Vital Research at ncarrillo@vitalresearch.com or (888) 848-2511.

Download the I-SAT Brochure