

CalPACE offers an array of membership and affiliation levels that meet the varied and changing needs of an organization as it progresses from consideration of the PACE model of care to full operational status, as well as companies that support the underlying principles of PACE. Explore the benefits of joining CalPACE today.


Companies that provide products and services to PACE organizations and share a vision and dedication to providing innovative care for older adults are encouraged to become a CalPACE Affiliate. Joining CalPACE as an Affiliate demonstrates your commitment to the PACE model of care and connects you with executive leadership at each PACE organization in California through networking opportunities, event participation/sponsorship, webinars, spotlight features, e-directories, and more.

  • Access to executive leadership at PACE organizations in California
  • Private member dinner meeting opportunity (additional fee)
  • Meet & Greet event with PACE leaders (additional fee)
  • Branding opportunities using the CalPACE Affiliate logo/name
  • Participation in CalPACE workgroups (by invitation)
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Quarterly public policy call participation
  • Feature in biannual spotlight
  • Directory listing with logo on CalPACE website


Associate membership in CalPACE has two tiers, and both are chock-full of support to help you on your way to becoming an operational PACE organization.

Exploring PACE: This tier is open to those who have submitted a letter of intent to become a PACE provider to DHCS and are actively working on their PACE application.

Application Approved by DHCS: This tier is open to those who have had their application certified by DHCS for CMS approval.

Benefit Associate Application Pending Associate Exploring PACE
Designated Board Member No No
Attend Board of Director Meetings No No
CalPACE Meetings Yes No
Meetings with Regulators Yes No
Member Meetings Yes No
PACE in California Orientation (NEW) Yes No
Committee and Workgroup Participation Yes (by invitation) Yes (by invitation)
Participation in NPA Sponsored Activities Yes No
Legislative Packets Yes Yes
Policy Materials Yes Yes
Promotional Materials Yes Yes
Annual Meeting Yes No
Quarterly Public Policy Calls Yes Yes
Getting to Know PACE Calls Yes Yes
Meet & Greet Event Yes No

PACE Organization

Fully-operational PACE organizations face ongoing challenges from both an operational perspective and in complying with ever-changing regulatory requirements. Key benefits of being a full-member of CalPACE include access to services that assist you in improving your operations and proactively identifying and complying with federal regulations that uniquely impact PACE programs, advocacy, and education. Members meet monthly by phone and quarterly in person to discuss advocacy, policy, and education. Members also meet as group with regulators from DHCS and CMS on a quarterly basis.

  • CalPACE Meetings
  • Meetings with Regulators
  • Member Meetings
  • Committee and Workgroup Participation
  • Meet & Greet Event
  • PACE in California Orientation (NEW)
  • Participation in NPA Sponsored Activities
  • Legislative Packets
  • Policy Materials
  • Promotional Materials
  • Annual Meeting
  • Quarterly Public Policy Calls